Associate of Applied Science in Native American Art with Emphasis on Chippewa Cree Art
ART 110艺术欣赏
ART 120 Introduction to drawing or Art 121 Introduction to Painting
ART 175平面设计
ART 231平面设计
ART 216鞣制兽皮
ART155 Tipi制作
ART 268在皮革和皮革中创建
ART 274服装和饰物
ART 220介绍美国本土珠宝
ART 250标题II
ART 290艺术顶点
Certificate in Native American Art with Emphasis on Chippewa Cree Art
ART 110艺术欣赏
ART 120 Introduction to Drawing or ART 121 Introduction to Painting
ART 175美洲原住民工艺品
ART 231平面设计
专为满足现代商务办公的需求而设计, this certificate enables the student to better manage information in the typical office setting and to be an integral part of the accounting process
学生将: 1. Demonstrate appropriate level knowledge of basic business principles. 2. 应用基本公认会计原则(GAAP). 3. 运用基本的会计电算化技能. 4. 展示基本商业数学技能的应用. 5. Demonstrate the appropriate level technological skills used in the business accounting environment.
The building trades department provides the student with a comprehensive education in Carpentry. This program is designed to meet the growing need for experienced carpenters to build Tribal housing and other commercial structures. 除了具体的木工技能, 学生将熟练掌握诸如职业道德等方面的知识, 求职和基本教育技能.
学生将: 1. Learn the proper safety procedures for use and handling of equipment. 2. Demonstrate the basic skills in using computer aided drafting software. 3. 展示所需的木工技能. 框架地板、墙壁和屋顶 4. 展示所需的木工技能. 安装屋顶瓦和壁板 5. Applying mathematical and algebra skills to complete basic construction projects.
In order to meet the evolving field of engineering and construction, 石童学院 offers a one-year certification program in pre-engineering assistantship. The college believes that engineers of the future will continue to rely on fundamental engineering science and contemporary computational tools to guide their choices. This program of study emphasizes rigor in engineering science, design, and application. The program will prepare students for professional practice in the engineering industry.
1. 发展书面和口头沟通技巧. 2. Develop necessary skills in the areas of communications and customer service. 3. Develop the skills that are necessary to work at an entry-level position for customer service or hospitality, 包括零售业的职位, 酒店, 以及游戏产业.
The Pre-Nursing certificate program is designed to provide basic education in the pre-nursing field for those students who are planning on transferring to a Montana State University – Northern for their nursing associate or baccalaureate degree programs. 在这个证书课程中, students will focus specifically on the general education and basic knowledge in the nursing field and nutrition. A graduate of this certificate program will be a candidate for transfer into the Pre-Nursing program at MSU-Northern. Native American traditional knowledge will be integrated into the coursework.
1. 讨论护理作为职业的概念. 2. 明确护士的角色和职能. 3. 运用道德准则, 临床护理实践标准, and Standards of Professional Practice to determine solutions to ethical problems. 4. 讨论语言和非语言交流. 5. 使用护理流程制定个人健康护理计划.
The Rural Public Health Certificate is designed to give students an opportunity to explore Native community issues in a tribal college setting. The goal of this program is to educate students about healing individuals and communities using traditional and western approaches.
1. explore intergenerational trauma and its effects on Native individuals and Native communities. 2. 研究印第安人治疗个体的方法. 3. learn about traditional Cree practices to work with and heal rural Indigenous communities. 4. 练习西方的沟通和咨询技巧. 5. understand the importance of case management in reservation settings.
AD 150: Introduction to Addiction, Trauma, Grief and Loss (3 credits)
HPE 115:急救 & CPR(2学分)
HS 172:农村社区的多元文化问题(3学分)
HS 270:职业行为,道德 & 案例管理(3学分)
NAS 281: Bishkanewin Ishkode Personal Healing from Historical Trauma (3 Credits)
NAS 283: Bishkanewin Ishkode Healingthe Community(3学分)
This schematic representation of the SCC Conceptual Framework is based upon the four Domains of our education department through the cultural lens of a Cree medicine wheel. This medicine wheel was selected as its description of the four directions and seasons was relevant and applicable to the four domains of the SCC teacher education program. Domain 1 is about focusing on the learner, which is where all learning begins. 为了克里的药轮, this season represents spring and birth and one’s connection to the physical space. Domain 1 is also concerned with the physical and emotional environments needed to best support learning for all learners. Domain 2 ensures that teacher candidates have the content knowledge needed to effectively teach. The Cree medicine wheel identifies this summer season as the time for cognitive growth and developing mental capacities. Domain 3 provides teacher candidates with multiple opportunities to develop skills in teaching the content and ensures that they are able to utilize a variety of teaching and assessment skills to meet the needs of each learner. 克里医学轮描述了这个季节, 秋天, 这是情感成长的时间,也是加深理解的时间. The elements of Domain 4 relate to candidates’ professional development and leadership skills. One important aspect of professional growth is the ability to reflect on one’s practice and use this reflection to improve upon one’s skills. The winter season on the Cree medicine wheel is based upon reflection and a desire to understand.